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How to Leverage Unified Data to Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts - Intentsify

Written by Natasha Serafimovska | Jul 15, 2024 3:07:37 PM

Data is the most powerful tool in the arsenal of any B2B marketer. Customers today not only expect personalized messaging, but they expect seamless experience regardless of what channel they use to engage with your brand. B2B marketers, therefore, need access to comprehensive and real-time data to anticipate needs and deliver the right messaging at the right time.  

Many marketers, however, still rely on disjointed systems that offer fragmented or incomplete insights into the buying journey of their customers. In fact, it’s quite common for a B2B marketer to use half a dozen tools to obtain, analyze and activate their intent data. This leaves room for errors, delays, and missed opportunities to engage and convert prospects in the right way.  

Having a unified solution that can both analyze and act upon this data in real time can give marketers a much-needed edge in a fiercely competitive landscape. Below we cover the risks of using disjointed systems in your omnichannel marketing efforts and how to make the most of your unified data to engage your customers. 

The Perils of Disjointed Data 

You may think you’re operating from a position of strong intent data only to realize that there are massive gaps or inconsistencies when you try to gain clearer insights into your buyers’ behavior. Perhaps you use your own first-party firmographic data alongside a third-party data source to plan and execute your content syndication and advertising strategies.  

Even if you rely on a single data source, you may have different platforms for activating this data across channels. However, each time data exists or flows across systems, there is the risk of things getting amiss. Your data may not sync properly, or it may be improperly formatted, all of which can lead to outdated or downright wrong insights. Relying on multiple third-party systems to execute your omnichannel marketing strategy adds an unnecessary level of complexity in finding and attracting new customers. 

The New Dawn of Signal-Based Marketing 

Intent data can take you only so far without the right marketing strategy in place to act upon it. Signal-based marketing, i.e. the use of buying signals to tailor your marketing efforts, can help you hyper-personalize your approach regardless of where your customers are on their buying journey. 

Signal-based marketing relies on quick and precise action in order to grab your customer’s attention while they’re still engaged with your brand. This means that you need a single, unified solution which is powerful enough to both provide the data, but also to activate it across channels in real time.  

Below, we explain how a unified signal-based marketing approach can supercharge your marketing campaigns:

  • Consistency in messaging: unified and up-to-date data means that you can stay true to your tone of voice regardless of where your customers are on their buying journey. This can, in turn, foster trust and make your brand more recognizable.
  • Enhanced targeting accuracy: using real-time buying signals can help you be laser-sharp in your targeting efforts. For instance, if someone downloads your white paper via syndicated content, you can immediately target them with a “get a demo” ad to convert them while your brand is still fresh in their mind. This can not only increase your ROI, but it can do so much faster than traditional methods.
  • Agility in campaign management: real-time insights integrated with a powerful marketing solution means that your campaigns can be updated to respond to changes as they happen. Say, for instance, a sudden spike in social media mentions about a trending topic allows you to quickly pivot your campaign to capitalize on the trend.
  • Improved measurement and analytics: finally, a unified approach simplifies the measurement and analysis of marketing efforts. It’s easier to track the customer journey and assess the impact of specific tactics when all data inputs and outputs are aligned. This clarity enhances the ability to optimize strategies and improve outcomes continuously.

The Integrated Intentsify Approach 

At Intentsify, we understand that mere seconds can mean the difference between a click and a click out. Having rich insights into your customers and being able to respond based on buying signals can be the one thing that positions you as the market leader in your industry.  

Unlike other solutions which may rely on third-party platforms to activate your intent data, Intentsify has the full package. We use a combination of intent, contact, firmographic, digital and technological data to provide holistic and accurate insights into buyer’s behavior. We process over one trillion intent signals per month alongside 382 million contact records to inform the marketing campaigns of our customers. 

Aside from providing rich intent data, we provide our proprietary content syndication and digital ad solutions to activate this data into powerful messaging. Not only that, but we use predictive intent models to determine the buying stage of each target account based on the buying signals they exhibit to further strengthen and personalize your campaigns.  

Anticipate the future 

Hyper-personalization is already a thing and it will become even more important as brands embrace generative AI in more aspects of their business. The brands who’re going to persevere and thrive in this new landscape are those who recognize the value of unified intent data and who’re able to act upon it in real time.  

Intentsify offers a one-stop-shop for lead generation through rich intent data and powerful data activation tools to widen your reach. If you’re interested to learn more, reach out to our team and we’d be happy to help.